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Pagans in the Media
The Age
Witchcraft is growing in popularity but today's pagans are more interested in self-improvement than in casting nefarious spells. Claire Halliday reports. Picture: Shannon Morris
SMH 1/1/11
Bid to Lift Profile of Witches
The ratepayers of Casey have a right to know what is being done on their behalf.
The Age
Just sit back and enjoy the stupidity
Up until last week the prospect of the state getting involved in a dispute between a bloke who thinks Satan is on the march in Cranbourne and a transsexual witch would have got me hot under the collar.
The Age - 27 December, 2003
The councillor, the witch, and the tribunal
One man's campaign against a representative of the 'forces of Satan' has boiled into a tornado, dragging in fringe participants, writes Geoff Strong.
WND - 19 November 2003
Witch Files Complaint Against Christian Pols
Two elected officials in Australia are facing possible legal sanctions thanks to a witch who complained to the government after the men warned voters of the woman’s religious proclivities.